
Usage examples of this micropython-eeprom library


An example of all implemented functionalities can be found at the MicroPython EEPROM examples folder


from eeprom import EEPROM
from machine import I2C, Pin

# AT24C32 on 0x50
I2C_ADDR = 0x50     # DEC 80, HEX 0x50

# define custom I2C interface, default is 'I2C(0)'
# check the docs of your device for further details and pin infos
i2c = I2C(0, scl=Pin(13), sda=Pin(12), freq=800000)
eeprom = EEPROM(addr=I2C_ADDR, at24x=32, i2c=i2c)

# get LCD infos/properties
print("EEPROM is on I2C address 0x{0:02x}".format(eeprom.addr))
print("EEPROM has {} pages of {} bytes".format(eeprom.pages, eeprom.bpp))
print("EEPROM size is {} bytes ".format(eeprom.capacity))

Read data

# read 1 byte from address 4

# read 10 byte from address 7
eeprom.read(7, 10)

Write data

# write 'micropython' to address 10
eeprom.write(10, 'micropython')

# write multiple pages, starting at address 25
# check bpp property of used EEPROM
# if 32 bytes are used, page 0 will contain "blablubf", page 1 will contain
# the remaining data "oobarbazquxquuxcorgegraultgraplywaldofredplughxyzzythud"
eeprom.write(25, 'blablubfoobarbazquxquuxcorgegraultgraplywaldofredplughxyzzythud')

# write a list of integers to the EEPROM, starting at address 64
eeprom.write(64, [5, 17, 255, 9, 12, 7, 255])

Update data

# update only changed values, here 'm' -> 'M' and 'p' -> 'P', see write example
eeprom.write(10, 'MicroPython')

# update only changed values, here 5 -> 7, 13 -> 13, 255 -> 244, see write example
eeprom.update(64, [7, 17, 255, 9, 13, 7, 244])